This story is an Italian story that began last May. This is a naughty story which brought me to think about Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov´s novel subsequently adapted to a movie by Stanley Kubrick in 1962. Infact the nickname "Lolita" nowdays describes a sexually precocious girl.
Surely we could define in this way the two young girls, respectively 14 and 15 years old, both protagonists of our story: an incredible story based on sex and prostitution, that happened in the exclusive neighbourhood, Parioli, in Rome.
The two girls, friends and classmates in a liceo classico, soon became «collegues» of prostitution after being lured by three men on a social network.
The two young girls, attracted by easy money, started prostituing themselves with adult men in a a rented apartment in the Vip neighbourhood. The two minors earned up to 300 euro for each sexual intercourse. A part of the daily amount (around 600 euro) should be given to four pimps at least. This squalid story emerged when one of the two girl´s mum became suspicious because of the aggressivity shown by her daughter together with a large quantity of money at her disposal.
What about the other mother involved? She was aware of her daughter´s profession and according to the police she would have induced the teenager to continue the dirty activity.
A dirty, but apparently also lucrative activity. «We are demanding» one of the two teenagers confessed to the police, trying to explain the reason why they started prostitution. «We want many things: cars, clothes, well-being».And also cocaine according to what is emerging by police investigation.
Despite I´don´t like to assume the role of a moralist, I´m actually wondering: What kind of society makes young girls discover sex before love? What kind of society induces teenagers to trade their own dignity in return for nice clothes?
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