Spaghetti today is written by Alessandro Palella, an Italian journalist living abroad.

giovedì 28 novembre 2013


It is said that economic crisis sharpens intelligence. In the story we are treating, the economic crisis, instead, moved the limit of decency extremely down.
Mary is a student at the University of Naples. She is graduating with honors, but, evidently, it´s not enough to satisfy her ambitions. Being graduate, in fact, is not a lucrative deal in the first period at least. So Mary made a «brave» or insane decision. She hanged, on the notice-wall of her university, an ad. The message written on is more or less this: "Young student waiting for graduating is  willing to send her hot pictures" Another case of a girl willing to trade her dignity in return for money! Nevertheless this ad hanged on the university´s notice board among several houses for rent ads is not the only type of advertisment: Mary as an experienced marketing manager, in fact, tried to boost her activity opening a Facebook page «Maryinattesadi110» in which she gives more details about her audace activity. In particular she gave an exaustive explanation about the reason why she decided to start up this business: 
"I need money to buy a new scooter», she admitted. Now what I´d liked to asked her is: "Have you never considered the idea to work as a waitress in a restaurant for example?". Nevertheless, I´m afraid of knowing the answer: "Selling hot pictures is much easier" she probably would have replied. Maybe also thinking: "Are you a fucking idiot?"

SOURCE: Corriere del Mezzogiorno

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