Spaghetti today is written by Alessandro Palella, an Italian journalist living abroad.

giovedì 28 novembre 2013


It is said that economic crisis sharpens intelligence. In the story we are treating, the economic crisis, instead, moved the limit of decency extremely down.
Mary is a student at the University of Naples. She is graduating with honors, but, evidently, it´s not enough to satisfy her ambitions. Being graduate, in fact, is not a lucrative deal in the first period at least. So Mary made a «brave» or insane decision. She hanged, on the notice-wall of her university, an ad. The message written on is more or less this: "Young student waiting for graduating is  willing to send her hot pictures" Another case of a girl willing to trade her dignity in return for money! Nevertheless this ad hanged on the university´s notice board among several houses for rent ads is not the only type of advertisment: Mary as an experienced marketing manager, in fact, tried to boost her activity opening a Facebook page «Maryinattesadi110» in which she gives more details about her audace activity. In particular she gave an exaustive explanation about the reason why she decided to start up this business: 
"I need money to buy a new scooter», she admitted. Now what I´d liked to asked her is: "Have you never considered the idea to work as a waitress in a restaurant for example?". Nevertheless, I´m afraid of knowing the answer: "Selling hot pictures is much easier" she probably would have replied. Maybe also thinking: "Are you a fucking idiot?"

SOURCE: Corriere del Mezzogiorno

martedì 26 novembre 2013


Who said that technology is a cold matter?
Sometimes, in-fact, technology and feelings can be strictly connected. As shown in our story today. A sort of Christmas tale set to Campobello di Licata, a small village in Sicily. Two stepsisters, respectevely 62 and 73 aged, will meet this 23rd of December after 62 years of distance. This miracle is made possible thanks to Facebook which put in contact these two women after a forced distance long period. Just one of the two elderly was aware of the other sister´s existence. Nevertheless the youngest sister, living in Sicily, was wrongly convinced that the other sister, currently living in Girona, Spain, had a different surname because of her illegitimacy as a daughter. Luckly the reality was different: so the common surname (and also name!), Giovanna Grova, was the link thanks to whom the youngest sister found the other one through Facebook.

An happy ending that nevertheless doesn´t reveal what happened during these long 62 years. A long period inextricably connected to the Spanish Civil War (´36-´39). At that time, in fact Italy led by Mussolini took part in the civil war in support of the Spanish dictator Francisco Franco. It was during that period that a Sicilian Italian soldier became father for the first time: Giovanna (now 73), this is the name of his daughter, grew up without knowing that 11 years later she would have had a sister with the same name and surname. The 23rd of December she will meet her sister for the first time thanks to Facebook!

Source: "Giornale di Sicilia"

mercoledì 20 novembre 2013


This story is an Italian story that began last May. This is a naughty story which brought me to think about Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov´s novel subsequently adapted to a movie by Stanley Kubrick in 1962. Infact the nickname "Lolita" nowdays describes a sexually precocious girl.
Surely we could define in this way the two young girls, respectively 14 and 15 years old, both protagonists of our story: an incredible story based on sex and prostitution, that happened in the exclusive neighbourhood, Parioli, in Rome. 
The two girls, friends and classmates in a liceo classico, soon became «collegues» of prostitution after being lured by three men on a social network. 
The two young girls, attracted by easy money, started prostituing themselves with adult men in a a rented apartment in the Vip neighbourhood. The two minors earned up to 300 euro for each sexual intercourse. A part of the daily amount (around 600 euro) should be given to four pimps at least. This squalid story emerged when one of the two girl´s  mum became suspicious because of the aggressivity shown by her daughter together with a large quantity of money at her disposal.
What about the other mother involved? She was aware of her daughter´s profession and according to the police she would have induced the teenager to continue the dirty activity.
A dirty, but apparently also lucrative activity.  «We are demanding» one of the two teenagers confessed to the police, trying to explain the reason why they started prostitution. «We want many things: cars, clothes, well-being».And also cocaine according to what is emerging by police investigation. 
Despite I´don´t like to assume the role of a moralist, I´m actually wondering: What kind of  society makes young girls discover sex before love? What kind of  society induces teenagers to trade their own dignity in return for nice clothes?